The mods on this list are both “body replacers” and skin mods for those replacers. The game has been out for nearly a decade, yet it lives on thanks to the passionate. This list of Skyrim Body Mods lets your character look like they’re fit to be in a skincare advertisement. Mods are a core part of what makes Bethesda games have such a long lifespan. Skyrim doesn’t come with any moisturiser to apply on your character or any fancy lotions but there is nothing to fear. Unfortunately, it can be hard to look good with dry, cracked skin that looks like it was made from potato peels.

Having good-looking armour and weapons really help you make your character stand out from the rest and make the game far more enjoyable to play. There are plenty of downsides for doing it this way and I dont suggest doing it and just waiting for the mod authors to port the mods normally but it IS possible to use certain older mods with the Special Edition.Looking good is an essential part of any RPG game. Not every mod on this list requires it, but many do, including the essential SkyUI, so you're. Any mod that uses scripts will require a script extender to work and currently a script extender for SE is not out so they will not work at all, but any mod that does not use scripts and is only an esp file will work just fine as long as you place it in the skyrim data folder and enable it in the mod menu or mod manager of your choice, also a mod that uses no scripts but has a bsa archive will not work out of the box because the SE uses a different archiving system more similar to Fallout 4's, BUT if you extract the archive using a mod manager and then install the extracted files directly into the data folder for SkyrimSE it will work for most mods. Skyrim Script Exstender (SKSE) is a utility that's required for some of the more complex mods to work. The short answer is no most will not, however certain mods will work, let me go into a little bit of detail. The "Best Answer" is actually kind of misleading and not entirely true.